Kick-off Events

When new teams are formed, when the fiscal year is to be pushed constructively or when large projects require the essential starting shot, a creative kick-off event can do wonders. There are many reasons to up the ante, set a new course or to pursue more innovative ways in a work group, a department or a company. But nothing can come from nothing: a kick-off event with teamgeist provides your team and project with the spark, the necessary momentum and the desired motivation for a change of course or an entirely new direction – so that the team stays strong and motivated for the coming weeks.
Kick off events also work digitally. Just ask us!
Extraordinary ideas for your kick-off event

Your contact:
Sebastian Heinrich
Get in touch now
Step by step towards the perfect kick-off with teamgeist
Motivation? Accomplish goals? Boost communication? Sounds good, would be amazing, but never really works?! Motivating employees for the new business year can be as challenging as supporting the different teams in their efforts to communicate efficiently and successfully – internally and with clients, customers or partners. Setting ambitious goals for the new quarter or an upcoming project? Looking for a great idea that is feasible? teamgeist can help you out with elaborate and thrilling kick-off events in order to “jump start” your next great project – try it out!
A team event with guaranteed success? Plan your next event with teamgeist!
A kick-off meeting? What exactly is that? Imagine you are sitting at home on your couch and right in front of you: a mountain of dirty laundry, a garden overrun with weeds, a cluttered basement, an extensive tax filing…whatever challenge lies ahead of you, one thing will always remain the same – the insecurity and unease before taking the first step, the lacking motivation due to exhaustion, thousands of other to-dos and so on. What is missing? A little push, a little start-up support, a … kick-off! An event that makes the first step a little easier and makes you look forward to what’s coming.
That is no different from everyday work life. We usually know about our talents and strengths, our endurance and our visions. But sometimes the mountain is simply too tall, the motivation too small, the energy too little…but a motivating, relaxing and positive staff event never hurt anybody. And there are countless ideas for creative corporate events – the really good ones can be found right here. Here at teamgeist, the topic of kick-off meetings is emphasised on. We know how important it is to stick together as a team, to optimise the internal workflow and refuel power reserves for the long term.
Whether casual and laid-back or fast-paced and active: teamgeist has a wide and diverse selection of team events to offer, which are ideal for a motivating kick-off. If you want to send your employees off into nature in order to wind down and recharge their batteries, take a look at the following options: Teamgeist canoe tour, bicycle tour as team event, GPS-outdoor rally or champagne sailing. If you want your event to be more tricky and strategic, our catapult building event, the domino rally, our large group team web event and others might be ideal for you. A lot of fun and distraction is also guaranteed during our events such as Foosball tournament, the teamgeist glühwein adventure tour or the samba team drumming. As you can see – the options are endless and the range of events is colorful and diverse. During all events, we focus on boosting team spirit and making room for relaxed and trustful conversations. Aside from bringing teams closer together and providing groups with long-lasting motivation, our team events ensure a healthy and trustful working climate.
Planning and organising from A to Z: Leave everything to teamgeist and concentrate on the team experience
teamgeist has a decisive advantage: More than 28 years of experience in planning and carrying out team events make us the market leader in the matter of team building. In addition, through our diverse locations and experts, we offer the best know-how when it comes to event cities and event formats. If you need help, have any questions or if you are ready to book your personal event, do not hesitate to contact us via phone or through our web form. As your competent and professional partner, teamgeist will take care of the entire event for you. From possible bus transport, accommodation or catering, to carrying out and supervising the event on site – we are here for you during all stages of the event. There is only one thing left for you to do: looking forward to experiencing and enjoying your kick-off event with teamgeist!
You have any questions or want to book?
Simply write to us! We look forward to reading from you!
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If you have any questions or need further help, please give us a call or write us an email.