Team Event Saarbrücken
The university, congress, trade fair and shopping city of Saarbrücken is an attractive location for your business activities. Here, 15,000 companies employ more than 100,000 people. No wonder that we are about in this town because we provide your colleagues with an extraordinary team adventure with training value, a break from workdays or a very individual team adventure with great sustainability.
Let Saarbrücken be the setting for your next team event!
Take a first look at our palette of products. We are going to develop an individual proposal and give you input to make the right choice for a perfectly fitting framework program. Please do not hesitate to contact us. 25 years of experience with small and large groups, coaches filled with passion and motivation for your team event, material, and innovative event concepts wait for you.
What can we do for you and your team?

Your contact:
Anna Schwab
Get in touch now
What is the motto for your eventful day? Which target group should we inspire with our event modules in connection with your topics? Do you want to maintain or awaken the team spirit, do you want to find out about the strengths of your employees and apply them perfectly, or maybe you want to get a wider view? Our concepts, such as Domino Lego, KAPLA®, the Chain Reaction (Impulskette), Team Challenge, Sculpture Construction, Soapbox Grand Prix, or Team Art initiate change, trigger impulses, guarantee fun, foster creativity, and let your participants experience that success is dependent on cooperation, innovative thinking, creativity, brevity, and the resources of every single team member.
Regardless of whether the choice of the activity and training modules have to comply with your target group, your motto, and the location, within the era of digitalization, our iPad concept is positioned at the top of our most favorite team events. They can be used for pure adventure or fun programs or they can be adjusted as coaching and team bonding activities. By participating in our iPad Team Rally, the Digital Scavenger Hunt, the iPad Short Film / Commercial Festival or the Tab Action Quiz, themes, such as innovation, team spirit, cooperation, and communication, can be embedded in the heads of the participants. Or do you favor to go back to nature? Then, inspire your team with a technique that is over a hundred years old, archery, or build a float a la Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn!