Hybrid Events

Sebastian Heinrich
Your contact:Sebastian Heinrich

As experienced teambuilding and event experts, we offer you hybrid event formats in order to be able to respond flexibly and individually to your special situations and wishes. Particularly for remote teams, special technical solutions are necessary to implement a joint event. 

If parts of your staff work in the office and other parts in the home office, effective team events can still be organised - with extensive know-how and the right tools. 
Or do you have teams in different federal states, countries or continents and would still like to organise a joint team event without travel expenses? Then teamgeist is the right partner for you! We can realise analogue team events at any number of locations at the same time and connect them with the help of our technical tools and merge them into one big national or global event.

To the Hybrid Events definition >>

  • 30 years of experience
  • Special expertise for large groups
  • Location tips from our experts
  • Indoor and outdoor event formats

teamgeist Hybride Events Examples

7 Results
Global Hybrid tabtour
The perfect combination between an online team event and personal participation in teams at different locations in Germany, Europe and worldwide. The teamgeist Global Hybrid tabto...
From 69,- €p.p.
Hybride Krimirallye
For true crime fans Our special unit has been assigned a very special case. The case needs to solved quickly. We rely on the support of your team. Briefed in the main room of a vide...
From 49,- €p.p.
tabtour Quiz - Team Quiz als Hybrid Event
Do you need an excting program for your event in the evening, your conference programme or the team meeting? Do you want to anchor your topics, values or content in the team in a motiva...
From 49,- €p.p.
Escape Game "Das Geheimnis der 13" als Hybrid Event
Escape room team building is a new big trend for company parties, incentives or management seminars. These are role-playing games that take place in an escape room, in which the players...
From 49,- €p.p.
Hybrides Filmdrehfestival
Ready for Hollywood? When it's "And the Oscar goes to", your team will have had an eventful day. You will be impressed at how differently the individual teams implement the motto we...
From 39,- €p.p.
Hybride Impulsreaktion
Small impulse, incredible effect! Hardly any other team task depends so much on the interaction between the individual teams and with each other. Get the ball rolling and accompany...
From 39,- €p.p.
Komplettlösung für interaktive hybride Meetings
Not only since Corona times are meetings and events often also remote and have to solve a multitude of challenges. Technology plays a decisive role here, as do the methods for communica...
Price on request
Sebastian Heinrich

Your contact:
Sebastian Heinrich

What is a Hybrid Event?

The term "hybrid" can mean many things. A generally valid and unambiguous definition of "hybrid event" is therefore difficult. We define "hybrid" in relation to "hybrid events" or "hybrid meetings" as follows:

A teamgeist "Hybrid Event" combines on-site team events (events at a physical location) with virtual team events. If team events are to take place simultaneously and together, yet geographically separated, we will design a hybrid team event for you. This takes place simultaneously at different locations and thanks to digital solutions, state-of-the-art technology and professional organisation, a common WE feeling is created.

The basis of our definition of "hybrid events" is our portfolio. A relevant pillar of our offer are on-site team events. In other words, events and event modules where people face challenges together and in person at a physical location and solve tasks together with teamwork. During the Corona pandemic, many of these on-site team events can also be implemented with distance and hygiene concepts.
The second relevant pillar of our portfolio are our teamgeist "Remote Events". These are virtual team events and digital event modules where people meet virtually, solve tasks together virtually and have fun together.
The third relevant pillar is our teamgeist "Hybrid Events", which can be tailored as flexibly as possible to your most diverse needs and requirements as well as wishes. In doing so, we draw on almost 30 years of experience in the field of team events and teambuilding measures.

Many companies have very individual work situations and may increasingly want to do without travel or face-to-face gatherings of too large groups. We offer you the right event solutions for this: hybrid events. Since the implementation of hybrid events can have very different characteristics and a high degree of complexity, the expenses can only be defined more precisely with the conception. Through individual technical and logistical solutions, the prices are calculated exactly according to your needs in order to implement a successful hybrid event for your employees.

Hybrid events in hotels

Hotels with seminar and meeting rooms are often suitable for connecting remote employees or remote teams. These can either serve as event locations for individual remote groups or as control centres for bringing together the respective remote events. 

Do you have any questions or would you like to book an event?

Feel free to contact us! We will advise you without obligation!

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We will take care of your request as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need further help, please give us a call or write us an email.

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